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  Public Ticket #2679219
When coupon is applied spinner does not go away


  • Scott started the conversation


    Thank you for the very nice plugin.

    On our install when you enter a Coupon and click "Apply" a spinner pops up -- and never goes away.  It does not refresh the content or page.  Even after 5 minutes it is still spinning.

    Here is a screencast:

    Can you recommend what we can do, please?

    We do not see any JavaScript errors in the console.  If we refresh the page, sometimes the coupon has been applied.  Sometimes not.  It is strange.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Scott,

    I have guided you to install the WPC AJAX Add to Cart plugin from us in your other ticket to complement any possible missing components in your theme. Please help me install it first then provide me with feedback then I will guide you further on that.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent