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  Public Ticket #2669706
Bundle Product Settings


  • Charles McClinon started the conversation


    I have a bundled product. There is one main product. The customer may choose any combination of two to three products listed in the bundle. How may I make the primary product a default product and add it to the cart?

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Charles,

    For your information, our plugin will always create a parent bundle product that is the main one on top of other bundled products in the list when added to the cart. This product cannot be removed from the order and used for increasing/decreasing the quantity of bundled products.

    For further explanations,here is the online documentation for you: 

    If this is not what you would like to ask, kindly elaborate your question with screenshots or describe the deal you'd like to set up so that I can guide you further.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent