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  Public Ticket #2659103
Why You are not answer my ticker?


  • AKIN started the conversation

    Why you are not answer my tickets ?

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Akin, 

    We're sorry for getting back to you so late. I have checked on your previous ticket, the assigned developer has retired from our team and we have made a huge transfer to reassign his tickets to other developers in our team. 

    Recently, we have received some questions about tickets left unanswered. After checking thoroughly, we found that we have overlooked some tickets and closed some of them bu accident. Yours still stayed with the abandoned account of our developer. We would like to apologize for that. 

    I have reassigned your ticket to another developer from our team. He will try to reach back to you as soon as possible. 

    Best regards. 

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent