Please submit a private ticket if you need to share sensitive information, such as license details and admin credentials.

  Public Ticket #2574169
Composite products - refund - multi level catagory not supported


  • Piara Josen started the conversation

    Havent had a reply to my support ticket so only option is a fund , please reply ASAP therwise it will be forward to CC dispute.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Piara,

    Sorry for keeping you waiting. Our developer was too full to reach back to you soon.

    I've checked your purchase, it was made on 2020-08-28 17:55:14 and when you contacted us for your issue it was already September 23, 2020 12:44pm. Your purchase wasn't valid for a refund anymore, unfortunately.

    I have reassigned your ticket to another developer from us to give you further help on your issue. He will respond to you as soon as he's available for support.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Piara Josen replied


    Iam sorry , new plugin has allready been purchase and work started by developers.

    I see you can reply to a fund request within hours but not to solve a problem!

    Refund is th eonly option now.  iwll await 7 days before procedding further with the refund.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Piara,

    We have processed your request and refunded to you. It's sad to heat that our plugin doesn't meet your requirements.

    Hopefully, we could still have your interest and support of other promising plugins on

    Moreover, kindly check out other stunning free plugins from our WPClever team on

    Best regards,