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  Public Ticket #2548658


  • Dave started the conversation

    Sorry to be so  dumb but I want to make a bundle or grouped product (don't know whivh is the best for me) which has 3 items, I have started making a grouped product but I can't see anywhere to add the price?

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Dave, 

    Thanks for your interest in our plugins. You can kindly give me some more descriptions about how you would like to set up your deal, I will help you choose a plugin. 

    Or you can kindly refer to our plog here to help you make the decision:

    Best regards. 

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Dave replied


    I'd like to have a bundle of 3 items for a set price which is lower than the total of the 3 items actual price. The 3 items in the bundle will all have size variations.


  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for your clarification.

    In that case, you can either use the WPC Product Bundles or WPC Composite Products plugin.

    - WPC Product Bundles allows users to manually add products to an item list in a smart bundle. Then provide a discount for them all. You can use the manual price to set up a fixed price. It's the most powerful plugin for this kind of product bundling. However, your buyer can only buy 1 variation from each product in the list since there's no way to choose more than 1 choice from each variable product.

    - WPC Composite Products allows users to add multiple products to a component. So your buyers can choose from a list of all products & variations for a product to buy. In this case, you will need to add 3 components, then add all 3 products to each component so that buyers can even choose the different variations of sizes from the same products, ie. variation 1, 2, 3 from product A in the list. This plugin gives more flexible choices.

    You can kindly refer to the online documentation of WPC Product Bundles:

    and of WPC Composite Products: for more instructions and tips. You can kindly check out the preview video to get the idea of how they work and the Sample sections for examples.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent