I have a question. When added a bundle in which the "independent products" have different starting stock values, I asume that when highering the "complete bundle" it multplies the default start stocks and not simply setting this value all acros the "sub" products.
Smart bundle:
Bundle A Quantity = 1
Sub products:
product A quantiy = 2
product B quantity = 1
product C quantiry = 1
Then I have the option to adust the smart bundle quantity. If I up this by 2, so setting it to 3 (1+2) then it sets the quantity of ALL "sub products" to the value 3 instead of the situation below (which I prefer and my clients also suspects.
Smart bundle:
Bundle A
Quantity = 3
Sub products:
product A
quantiy = 2*3 = 6
product B
quantity = 1*3 = 3
product C
quantiry = 1*3 = 3
Hope to hear if this is possible and if you also think this should be default behaviour?
The global [ + ] and [ - ] shouldn't interferce with the quantity of the sub products. Because it should up that number and a a combinatino of the current sub-products to the cart. So in my example, 3 times that specific choosen quantity of sub-products.
Is this influcend by the WPClever plugin or is this an external plugin or WooCommerce core?
Sorry for thinking this was done by this plugin :) I will investigate it further, my because of the chosen .css classes of the quantity boxes these inputs get targeted as well...
Hi WPClever,
I have a question. When added a bundle in which the "independent products" have different starting stock values, I asume that when highering the "complete bundle" it multplies the default start stocks and not simply setting this value all acros the "sub" products.
Smart bundle:
Bundle A
Quantity = 1
Sub products:
quantiy = 2
quantity = 1
quantiry = 1
Then I have the option to adust the smart bundle quantity.
If I up this by 2, so setting it to 3 (1+2) then it sets the quantity of ALL "sub products" to the value 3 instead of the situation below (which I prefer and my clients also suspects.
Smart bundle:
Bundle A Quantity = 3
Sub products:
Hope to hear if this is possible and if you also think this should be default behaviour?
When I come to think of it.
The global [ + ] and [ - ] shouldn't interferce with the quantity of the sub products. Because it should up that number and a a combinatino of the current sub-products to the cart. So in my example, 3 times that specific choosen quantity of sub-products.
Is this influcend by the WPClever plugin or is this an external plugin or WooCommerce core?
Sorry for thinking this was done by this plugin :) I will investigate it further, my because of the chosen .css classes of the quantity boxes these inputs get targeted as well...
Sorry Mates, looks like it Generate Press is the culprit and is just targeting the
'.qty' selector. A bit toooo wide
Hi Jaime,
Thanks for contacting us here. May I ask if your questions have been solved or not? I am a bit confused when reading your description, honestly
Best regards.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent
I solve this issue, by upgrading GeneratePress which contained a fixed.
Thank you for the effort!
Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad that it was solved.
I'll close your ticket now. Feel free to submit a new one in case you encounter any issues at any time.
Have a nice day and best regards.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent