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  Public Ticket #2525606
Linking composite product selected in the shop with those that are added to cart


  • Mike Winterer started the conversation

    I have a greeting card product that can be if selected personalized.  I have the cards as a product and an associated product that is a personalization developed in a WYSIWYG plugig.  Basically, the greeting card and the personalization are 2 products.  I need to be able to link these 2 products in the cart and the order so that we can apply the customization to the correct card.

    How can this be done.?


  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    For your question: The display of this might not only mean the linking between two products, it's also related to the theme you're using as well. Even with a simple functionality that is to apply the thumbnail image of a chosen component product to the main product's image can only be achieved with some specific themes only. With your request, it is even harder. I'm afraid this can't be done with our plugin. 

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent