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  Public Ticket #2516808
Is it possible to only add the bundled products, and not the bundle to the cart?


  •  5
    Grill started the conversation


    If you add a bundle to your cart, the bundle itself also gets added to the cart. It has a seperate entry and a seperate SKU. What I'm looking for is the possibility to only add to cart the products that are IN the bundle, and not the bundle ITSELF, as the latter is not an 'actual' product. Just removing the SKU unfortunately isn't the answer, the bundle still gets added, just without an SKU.



  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Grill,

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    We've received your request. Did you mean you would like to hide the main bundle product and only show the bundled items in the mini-cart, cart & checkout?

    I have contacted our developers and ask about the possibility of making this possible, however, until now I haven't receive their response. Since our developers are working asynchronously, so it will take more time for me to receive a valid answer. 

    I would like to let you know about that. I will keep you posted when there is any news.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  5
    Grill replied

    Hi Janilyn,

    This is indeed correct. I need it because I'll be using a fullfilmentcenter, which will automatically read my orders. Right now the bundle as well as the items within are listed in the cart as well as the woocommerce orders backend. Say some orders a wineset consisting of 3 wine bottles. The number of items in the cart, and more importantly, in the order in the woocommerce backend is 4: 1 wineset, and 3 bottles. This is kind of illogical, and it causes problems with the fullfilmet software as it sees 4 items, while only 3 need to be fullfilled.

    I hope I'm explaining it clearly. 

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Grill, 

    Our developers responded that this would be a very difficult thing to be achieved with bundles since the main bundle product is needed for buyers to add, remove or change quantity in cart & mini-cart. 

    Specifically, when you have a bundled with fixed default quantities (Custom quantity disabled) and fixed manual price, when buyers add this to the cart, they won't be able to change the total quantity for the whole bundle. It's also difficult to manage to make sure buyers choose the right units and the pricing/discounts are properly calculated with this. Using the main bundle product will allow users to buy products with an acceptable combination that you have set. 

    You can see this image for more information:

    I'm afraid, this answer means a No for your question. It's impossible to hide the main bundle on mini-cart or cart. Our developers remind that it's only possible to hide the main bundle AFTER completing your order, not in cart.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Rickard replied

    Hi Janilyn,

    I also have the same problem as Grill when sending information to a third-party fullfilmentcenter for order handling. With some custom code this could be somewhat functional but problems still arises frequently. Im not at a developer level in knowledge about these things, but I just would like to ask again if there could exist SOME WAY of making wpc bundles/composite send/use "standard woocommerce language" when handling orders?

    Would some settings change the way things are processed? Fixed/calculated price? Custom quantity enabled? 

    If not, do you provide any docs that could guide my developers?

    Thanks in advance and thanks for all of your awesome plugins!

  •  5
    Grill replied


    How I now do it is manually removing the bundle from the woocommerce order:

    - I make sure my bundle discount is percentagewise, so all products get a discount

    - After the order I set the order to 'pending payment'

    - I manually remove the bundleparent

    - The price, and child products remain in the order

    - I set the order to completed. 

    This works, but it needs to be done by hand. 

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Richard & Grill,

    Thanks for sharing this with us. 

    I have delivered these notes to our developers so that they can consider to make it effective with less manual effort required. Hope that there will be a great news soon from our dev team.

    Best wishes and regards to you.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  5
    Grill replied

    That would be great.

  •  1,356
    Dustin replied

    Hi Grill,

    Please add below code to current-theme (or child-theme) / functions.php

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_get_items', 'woosb_exclude_bundles_from_order', 10, 1 );
    function woosb_exclude_bundles_from_order( $items ) {
        foreach ( $items as $key => $item ) {
            if ( $item->meta_exists( '_woosb_ids' ) ) {
                unset( $items[ $key ] );
        return $items;

    Best regards,

  • Rickard replied

    Hi Frankie,

    Thanks for this snippet. I tried it in my (primitive) playground and it seems to do the trick - All bundle lines are stripped, atleast visually. But will it strip meta from an api get request via webhook?

    Today (not testing the code in production site) my integration with the fullfilmentcenter looks like this;

    • Regular product = No problem
    • Variable product = No problem
    • Bundle product = No problem (after some work)
    • Bundle product containing variable product = Fail
    • Composite product = Fail (cant use plugin at all :( )

    It would be a dream come true as we are long term fans of wpclever, which have provided consistent value for us as our ecommerce grew. Working with third-party logistics was needed when orders became to much for us to handle ourselves, but sadly the integration has been a nightmare. At this point any help, tips or general advice would be very appreciated!