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  Public Ticket #2478742
Name your price


  • Michael Campbell started the conversation

    Hi, sorry it's not a refund request, but the product I'm writing about wasn't in the list of products.

    I'd like to know how to set the initially shown price to be £2 in the dropdown, when the price list is £0 to £100.  There seems to be no way to get the initial price to be anything other than the minimum (£0)

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    There's only one way to set it up from the admin dashboard >> WPClever >> Name Your Price:

    - Choose Enable for Status option

    - Replace %s with $2 to have it like this:

    Then in the front-end, it will display like this: for ALL products on your store.

    It's the only way to do it now.

    I will consult our developers further about this when it's possible. For now, you can only do it that way. 

    I'll keep you posted when receiving any response from our devs.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Michael Campbell replied

    Thanks Janilyn.  Any chance you could have the dev expose all of the options to each product too?  At the moment the suggested price, input label and add to cart button options are set in the main settings so get applied to all products.  What I'd really like to do is have some products labelled free or donation, and other products as name your price.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Micheal,

    Please update our plugin to the latest version 1.0.8 then add below code to current-theme (or child-theme) / functions.php. This is an example for product ID is 719.

    add_filter( 'woonp_suggested_price', 'your_woonp_suggested_price', 99, 2 );
    function your_woonp_suggested_price( $text, $product_id ) {
        if ( $product_id === 719 ) {
            return 'Donate: %s';
        return $text;
    add_filter( 'woonp_input_label', 'your_woonp_input_label', 99, 2 );
    function your_woonp_input_label( $label, $product_id ) {
        if ( $product_id === 719 ) {
            return 'Donate (%s)';
        return $label;

    And the result

    Best regards,

  • Michael Campbell replied

    Hi Frankie thanks very much, that's brilliant.  Do you also know how I can have the initial price shown in the dropdown box be £2 rather than the minimum of £0? 

    If possible I also need the available values to be £0 or 2,3,4,5.  If I have an option for £1 then it's not worth it because paypal take £0.36, so I'd like to leave £1 off of the dropdown so the least customers can pay is £0 or £2.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    We'll add a new option to set the initial price soon.

    To set the price are: 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, please config like that and the result

    Best regards,

  • Michael Campbell replied

    Hey guys, did anyone figure out how to set the initial price to something other than 0 when the dropdown price range is 0 - 10 for example?  Thousands of people are downloading my product, but all for free.  I'm sure if it was set to something initially they'd probably not bother changing it if it was cheap enough.