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  Public Ticket #2472850
Total Price


  • William B started the conversation

    I need to reduce my composite produce total price by a fixed dollar amount. In theory, I could put a negative amount (ex. $-100) for the base price, and when included in the total price, it would reduce the calculated total by $100. I thought this worked a few weeks ago when I first tested it, but it is not working now.

    Also, when I enter a sale price for the composite product, the sale price does not show up. If base is 2000 and sale is 1500, the 1500 is not showing up anywhere.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi William,

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    You are seeing the error because WooCommerce wouldn't let Composite use a negative price in the General tab like that. 

    If you have a need to set a new regular price or sale price, you can use our WPC Product Timer plugin to achieve that:

    Here's the online documentation for this plugin: WPC Product Timer: Kindly refer to it so that you can set an amount discount for your composite.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent