I need to reduce my composite produce total price by a fixed dollar amount. In theory, I could put a negative amount (ex. $-100) for the base price, and when included in the total price, it would reduce the calculated total by $100. I thought this worked a few weeks ago when I first tested it, but it is not working now.
Also, when I enter a sale price for the composite product, the sale price does not show up. If base is 2000 and sale is 1500, the 1500 is not showing up anywhere.
You are seeing the error because WooCommerce wouldn't let Composite use a negative price in the General tab like that.
If you have a need to set a new regular price or sale price, you can use our WPC Product Timer plugin to achieve that: http://prntscr.com/ti7usq.
Here's the online documentation for this plugin: WPC Product Timer: https://doc.wpclever.net/woopt/. Kindly refer to it so that you can set an amount discount for your composite.
I need to reduce my composite produce total price by a fixed dollar amount. In theory, I could put a negative amount (ex. $-100) for the base price, and when included in the total price, it would reduce the calculated total by $100. I thought this worked a few weeks ago when I first tested it, but it is not working now.
Also, when I enter a sale price for the composite product, the sale price does not show up. If base is 2000 and sale is 1500, the 1500 is not showing up anywhere.
Hi William,
Thanks for contacting us here.
You are seeing the error because WooCommerce wouldn't let Composite use a negative price in the General tab like that.
If you have a need to set a new regular price or sale price, you can use our WPC Product Timer plugin to achieve that: http://prntscr.com/ti7usq.
Here's the online documentation for this plugin: WPC Product Timer: https://doc.wpclever.net/woopt/. Kindly refer to it so that you can set an amount discount for your composite.
Best regards.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent