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  Public Ticket #2437990
Multiple dates and times on timer


  • Arif Ramadan started the conversation


    I need to plug in a recurring sale on a product.

    2 issues:

    Firstly the multiple dates dropdown will only allow me to enter five dates for the sale price in the 'Multiple Dates' dropdown. This isn't a problem as such, I can do it twice.

    Secondly, when I go to add times to these dates, all I get is the same dropbown menu. There is no actual place to choose a time.

    See screenshot for details

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Arif,

    Thanks for contacting WPClever Support Forum.

    For your information: 

    - Any time conditional with the keyword "time" will enable a time box for you to choose after you choose it. There are 5 conditionals that contain time: daily before/after time, daily time range, before/after date & time. Please choose the correct conditionals for your action.

    - Remember that each action only accepts one date - one time conditional: for example, "daily before time" already have the "date" part (daily = everyday), so you will only need to choose a time to make it complete. For your action, you have already choose the date, then you can choose either "daily time range, daily before time/daily after time", the date part will be the chosen dates, not everyday since our plugin will execute conditions from top to the bottom.

    - Please add this action: Set Regular price - Everyday ABOVE the first action Set sale price in your line. You can put it on top of all other actions or in the second position of your action line. It's because when you need to limit the action to a specific time/date range, it's necessary to set a reverse action above it first to make sure the price will be reverted to regular one outside the chosen date/time.

    You can see more in this screenshot:

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent