WPC composite products is not showing all the product variations I have created.
I started a private ticket about this 1 week ago and have received no comments about the on-going work in trying to fix this problem. However I did contact them asking to fix it and also if they could provide me an update about how the work is going in order to fix this issue.
Also I tried to find out if there's any update to fix this.
I'm posting this here with the hope that maybe someone else can help me solve this situation.
The WooCommerce version I have is 4.1.1
For the composite product I'm grouping in the first option 100 product variations but it displays only 98 despite I have published 100. Where are the other 2 ?
However in the second option it gets worse because it only shows 38 product variations but next to those it should show the 100 different variations from another category and it's only showing 58.
So what has happened to the others? 42 are lacking now.
So in the second option the product variations should be (at the moment of writing this) 38+100 = 138 product variations and the same for options 3, 4 and 5. It should display the 138 variations I have at this moment. However I'm planning to increase them to reach to 141.
Later I'm planning to create another product for 3 different categories which should reach to 325 variations per each option.
So as you see this is critical for me to work. Please help !!! my whole website depends on WPC composite product and it is not working as it should.
Sorry for keeping you waiting. I checked on your tickets and our developers are still working on previously submitted tickets. He hasn't reached your ticket yet.
We're having very heavy workloads, so all we can ask now is your patience. Hopefully, other users on this forum might also give some help meanwhile.
Truly sorry for any inconvenience caused to you. We're putting our best efforts forward to work things out at the moment.
OK, I thank you for the advance on this. I was waiting for a reply or update on my issue and given the fact 1 week passed and got no reply from your developer I thought you were not caring about it. Now that I see a reply from you I can better understand the situation. But please, I really need you to fix it. I'm really needing it. Thank you.
We're sorry for keeping you waiting. Our developers have their hands full these days with other previously submitted issues.
From my estimation, you’ll be able to hear from our dev next Monday. Please spare us some more time. I will requests him to look at this as soon as he's available for support.
The assigned developer for your previous ticket has come back for work today, but still it might take about 1-2 days before you can hear from him. We are having a shortage of technical support due to the influence of COVID19. All I can ask for is your patience and understanding. We're trying to speed things up. Thank you.
Hi there. Just wondering if there is a fix to my issue. I didn't want to ask yesterday thinking you would come with a fix but I haven't heard from you. I just hope all this waiting (2 weeks) gives a positive response from you and a fix to my issue is readily available very very soon.
Please make worth the effort of this long waiting.
Sorry for any inconvenience. As I stated in my previous reply, this might take some time since our developer is still trying to make it to work. Probably, the previous dev might not be back to work at this time. I'll assign your ticket to another developer and give him your details again with a hope that he can find something useful to help you.
Much as I would like to help you, but I'm not a technical support so this is still dependent on our developers. The only thing I can do is to urge them check back your issue and speed up.
Wish you all the best and hope that our dev can help you.
They fixed my issue. You may close this ticket. Thank you very much. I have no words to thank you and I apologize for being such annoyance to you but I am really needing this to work. Thanks again for all the effort and help you provided me with. Thanks a million!! 🤗😃🙏
Mira no sé si termino de entenderte (y creo que es mejor que te responda en español total ya me fijé que es más fácil así) pero al parecer el problema no son los más de 100 productos que puedas llegar a tener en determinado momento sino algo más que no está correctamente configurado. Mira a ver si ellos te pueden dar una mano. De momento lo único que creería que puede generar el error referido es que tu producto compuesto no esté correctamente configurado.
Una duda...ya creaste las categorías desde donde el producto compuesto va a seleccionar los productos?
Recuerda que tienes que hacerlo antes y también establecer que es un producto compuesto.
Si es raro el problema. Cuando selecciono las variantes del pack y selecciono añadir al carrito tira error de una y no carga todos.
Ahhh, ya entiendo, te respondo en español es mas sencillo. Si consulto por aca porque se que demoran y quizas me podian ayudar. 100 productos no tengo seguro, son pocos articulos y con eso genero combos de esos articulos. Voy a probar con el tema de las categorias, quizas el error esta ahi!.
WPC composite products is not showing all the product variations I have created.
I started a private ticket about this 1 week ago and have received no comments about the on-going work in trying to fix this problem. However I did contact them asking to fix it and also if they could provide me an update about how the work is going in order to fix this issue.
Also I tried to find out if there's any update to fix this.
I'm posting this here with the hope that maybe someone else can help me solve this situation.
The WooCommerce version I have is 4.1.1
For the composite product I'm grouping in the first option 100 product variations but it displays only 98 despite I have published 100. Where are the other 2 ?
However in the second option it gets worse because it only shows 38 product variations but next to those it should show the 100 different variations from another category and it's only showing 58.
So what has happened to the others? 42 are lacking now.
So in the second option the product variations should be (at the moment of writing this) 38+100 = 138 product variations and the same for options 3, 4 and 5. It should display the 138 variations I have at this moment. However I'm planning to increase them to reach to 141.
Later I'm planning to create another product for 3 different categories which should reach to 325 variations per each option.
So as you see this is critical for me to work. Please help !!! my whole website depends on WPC composite product and it is not working as it should.
Hi Joe,
Sorry for keeping you waiting. I checked on your tickets and our developers are still working on previously submitted tickets. He hasn't reached your ticket yet.
We're having very heavy workloads, so all we can ask now is your patience. Hopefully, other users on this forum might also give some help meanwhile.
Truly sorry for any inconvenience caused to you. We're putting our best efforts forward to work things out at the moment.
Best regards.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent
OK, I thank you for the advance on this. I was waiting for a reply or update on my issue and given the fact 1 week passed and got no reply from your developer I thought you were not caring about it. Now that I see a reply from you I can better understand the situation. But please, I really need you to fix it. I'm really needing it. Thank you.
Don't worry, we're trying our best to speed up at the moment.
Have a nice day.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent
Any updates on this ? I'm really needing your help with this. Please I need you to fix it.
Hi Joe,
We're sorry for keeping you waiting. Our developers have their hands full these days with other previously submitted issues.
From my estimation, you’ll be able to hear from our dev next Monday. Please spare us some more time. I will requests him to look at this as soon as he's available for support.
Best regards.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent
Hi, please don't forget my issue. I'm really needing your help on this matter. Monday is almost over and haven't heard from your developer.
2 weeks have passed from the day I opened my private ticket
and 1 week since I opened this one.
I still see no solution to my issue.
Please help. I really need to start selling my only 1 product and that implies this plugin I bought from you works.
Is it so hard to fix it?
Hi Joe,
The assigned developer for your previous ticket has come back for work today, but still it might take about 1-2 days before you can hear from him. We are having a shortage of technical support due to the influence of COVID19
. All I can ask for is your patience and understanding. We're trying to speed things up. Thank you.
Best regards.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent
Hi there. Just wondering if there is a fix to my issue. I didn't want to ask yesterday thinking you would come with a fix but I haven't heard from you. I just hope all this waiting (2 weeks) gives a positive response from you and a fix to my issue is readily available very very soon.
Please make worth the effort of this long waiting.
Hi Joe,
Sorry for any inconvenience. As I stated in my previous reply, this might take some time since our developer is still trying to make it to work. Probably, the previous dev might not be back to work at this time. I'll assign your ticket to another developer and give him your details again with a hope that he can find something useful to help you.
Much as I would like to help you, but I'm not a technical support so this is still dependent on our developers. The only thing I can do is to urge them check back your issue and speed up
Wish you all the best and hope that our dev can help you.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent
They fixed my issue. You may close this ticket. Thank you very much. I have no words to thank you and I apologize for being such annoyance to you but I am really needing this to work. Thanks again for all the effort and help you provided me with. Thanks a million!! 🤗😃🙏
Thanks for your feedback, Joe. It's a relief to hear that
Glad I've been able to help you out. I'll close your ticket now. Feel free to submit a new one in case you encounter any issues at any time.
Have a nice day and best regards.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent
Hi having the same issue here, would like to know how you solve it . thanks
They fixed it for me. I gave them access to my site and they made it.
However if you carefully check the latest update log it says it was a bug/glitch they were able to fix with version 3.0.7
you can read the changelog here:
Hope that helps.
Of course, my problem is that when I select the articles and I want to add them to the cart, I make an error and the articles load badly.
Mira no sé si termino de entenderte (y creo que es mejor que te responda en español total ya me fijé que es más fácil así) pero al parecer el problema no son los más de 100 productos que puedas llegar a tener en determinado momento sino algo más que no está correctamente configurado. Mira a ver si ellos te pueden dar una mano. De momento lo único que creería que puede generar el error referido es que tu producto compuesto no esté correctamente configurado.
Una duda...ya creaste las categorías desde donde el producto compuesto va a seleccionar los productos?
Recuerda que tienes que hacerlo antes y también establecer que es un producto compuesto.
Si es raro el problema. Cuando selecciono las variantes del pack y selecciono añadir al carrito tira error de una y no carga todos.
Ahhh, ya entiendo, te respondo en español es mas sencillo. Si consulto por aca porque se que demoran y quizas me podian ayudar. 100 productos no tengo seguro, son pocos articulos y con eso genero combos de esos articulos. Voy a probar con el tema de las categorias, quizas el error esta ahi!.
Gracias, muchas gracias!