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  Public Ticket #2412020
Настройка составного товара


  • Лилия started the conversation

    Добрый вечер! Мы являемся магазином постельного белья. Нам нужно добавить страницу товара с тремя вариативными товарами. Например: пододеяльник с выбором цвета и размера, простыня с выбором цвета и размера и наволочки с выбором цвета и размера. И все это в раскрывающемся списке на одной странице. Пример такой страницы в скрине.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Lily, 

    Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum. 

    1. For you information, if you want to display both variable product and simple product in a component, WPC Composite Products will only display a drop-down list of all variations included like this: . Customers can only choose an item from the list.

    I will take an example for you to get how to set up composite:

    - Each component's settings can be like this:

    - Source: You can use Products source and manually search for product names to add to each component. It's up to you whether you choose the variable products or just specific variations, see You can add many products to a component like this

    - There are two others source for components available in the Premium version: Tags and Categories, you can quickly add products to each component if you have created unique categories or tags for your products. This would save you more time when setting things up.

    - Pricing: methods: (remember to put a price in the General tab for the Add to cart button to display

    - Choose "Yes" for "Custom quantity" option in each component if you want to let customers buy more than 1 unit per product/component. However, customers can only choose one product from the drop-down list in each component.

    In the front-end, you will have such expected deal like this:, when customers click on each component, all variations will be displayed:

    There's no way to create a composite where each attribute is displayed as in your screenshot using our plugin.

    2. In case you would like to shorten the choice, you can use WPC Product Bundles plugin to add your products to a bundle, use the default variation selector interface, in the front-end, customers will be able to choose the size and color like this:

    Hopefully, my explanations are helpful enough. If this is not what you need, feel free to ask or be please more specific in your question.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent