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  Public Ticket #2385233
Translate - Bundle price and saved percent text translate


  • Gabor started the conversation

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I made translate with Poedit, but I can not translate one sentence, because I did not find it.

    After the costumer choose a product, the plugin write this:
    "Bundle price: *$ (saved *%)".

    I translated the "Bundle price:" text.
    I translated the "(saved d%)" text.
    It still doesn't work. I attached the screenphoto.

    Where is this sentence?

    I would like to buy a premium plugin, because i need add more product options, but critical important is a good translate.

    Please help me find this sentence!

    Thank you!

    Best regards,

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Gabor, 

    Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum. 

    To translate the text in our plugin (or another plugin/theme) you can use LocoTranslate plugin.

    Kindly follow the instructions in this article to learn how to translate texts. 

    Best regards. 

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent