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  Public Ticket #2384389
Display a product only the same times as the stock


  • César González started the conversation

    I sell a bundle of the same category product with diferent designs. I've set a composite product consisting of 7 items obtained from 1 category.

    If costumer don´t select different designs and the stock of the desing shown in the 7 options is >7, and add to cart the composite product, throws an error and start infinite bucle. 
    Then if reload nothing seems to happen in the cart. But, after select different designs and try to add to cart again appears the bundle (ok) and 1 item extra, the same item as shown by defult.

    I've found that setting the display options: Category, Random, Default aparently fixs the issue by preventing the selection of the same design 7 times.
    But i would like to ensure won´t happen again. Is there any way to  show the same product only the times equals to stock?
    For example in the image, ensure to show max 3 times the first item.

    Thank you so much!

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Cesar, 

    Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum. 

    I have transferred your ticket to our developer so that he can check and find a solution for you.

    He'll start working on this and will be responding as soon as possible. Please stay patient meanwhile.

    Best regards.


    Special notes: Our developers are having a two-day vacation until May 01, 2020. So support might be unavailable and slower than normal until May 02, 2020

    Sorry for any inconvenience and have a nice day.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi César,

    Currently, we doesn't check the stock quantity on selecting component products. We only check when adding this composite products to the cart.

    I can change the code for you to prevent choosing same product on all components. Is it will help you? Let me know then I can send you the updated code.

    Best regards,

  • César González replied

    Thank you so much Frank. 

    Yes, please send me the code :) 

  •   Dustin replied privately
  • César González replied

    Hi!Thanks for the updates.  I've been testing these days and seems good. 

    Just one more thing is still missing: The button hover works fine telling the user that's not allowed to select same products for each option. But the problem is that the button mantains clickable capability throwing the same problem of the beggining. 

    My customers are so stubborn and are ignoring the hover message jaja, they still click the add to cart button.

    I've think a better UX solution would be check the stock and:
    Taking "NUM" as the available quantity of each product
    -If  NUM <= the number of options: Just show the product in the first NUM options and avoid to appear in the next options
    This way won´t appear any alert 

    I wold be very very happy with the second solution. But the first one also is so good. 

  • César González replied

    I forgot mention other thing that makes better the second option for me. Sorry but the second one is what i need. 

    I want the bundle able to sell same or different products. The problem has been the stock.