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  Public Ticket #2382509
Composite Products Styling With Elementor


  • Gunes started the conversation


    First, thank so much for this great plugin. I have few questions:

    - If we buy the single license, can we switch to unlimited license if I pay the difference?

    - I am trying to style the composite product page with Elementor however I am having some issues. I want to create a very similar layout to your demo page here:

    However, in my case:

    (1) At the very top, just under the product title, "regular/before discount price" is displayed", such as "From $1000".

    This will generate some confusion. If there is a discount, there is no means of displaying the old regular price without a strikethrough. Instead, like in your demo, we should display the discounted price: "Total price: $800 (saved 20%)"

    How can we insert a discounted total price field at the top of the page? Is it something I can do with Elementor?

    (2) I want to style the "Total price: $800 (saved 20%) " field in backend, however it is not visible. It is displayed at the frontend but not at the backend. If we solve the problem in #1, this may be a minor issue. Because I just want to make the font bigger.

    (3) Can we remove the composite product quantity box that is located next to the add to cart button. In the rest of my site, I use Elementor's custom add to cart buttons, where default quantity is always one. Is it possible to get rid of that quantity box? Or alternatively, can we remove quantity box and add to bart button all together?

    Thank you so much

  • Gunes replied


    I solved the 3rd issue on my original ticket however, there is another problem about the styling of Add to Cart button on Elementor. Normally we should be able to remove the cart icon and style the border shade. In your demo, it looks it can be done:, however, is Elementor, those features disappeared. Is it something to do with your plugin?

    How can we give a similar style, without an icon and shading?

    Thank you so much

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Gunes,

    Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum. Here is some information for your consideration:

    1. Concerning the license upgrade, if you purchased a license type of our plugins, and within 30 days from the date of purchase, you decided to upgrade to a higher license, then you can get a full refund for your prior license right after successfully purchasing the higher one.

    In order to claim your money back for the previous license, kindly contact us via Support Forum, submit a new ticket with sufficient purchase details of both licenses (attached invoices, PayPal transaction IDs and/or email address used to purchase). After verifying your license upgrade was successful, we will send the refund directly to your PayPal account within 48 hours.

    2. Your request 1 & 2 can be solved with the help of our developers. After purchasing our plugin, please provide your purchase details for verification, after that our developers will reach back to give you some help.

    Hope that my explanations are informative enough. 


    Special notes: Our developers are having a two-day vacation until May 01, 2020. So support might be unavailable and slower than normal until May 02, 2020. Sorry for any inconvenience and best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent