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  Public Ticket #2310842
PRICE "From 0$" on Composite Product


  • Thomas started the conversation

    I'm using WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce (Premium) and I'm having some troubles undestanding how to set things up in order to see the correct price of the composite product in the store.
    In particular I want to sell a product which is made up by other non variables procucts, the customer won't be able to choose from a list of products per category.
    I have 3 options for the price of the final product:

    • Only base price
    • Include base price
    • Exclude base price

    The one that suits better for me is the last one because this product price is based only on the price of the components products. In fact I have set the base price at 0$ and choosed "Exclude base price" so in the product page I see the correct price even if I change one the components prices.
    Everything fine unless one thing: in the shop page I'm unable to see the correct price and I can only see "From 0$".
    Is there a possibility to display the price made from the sum of the other prices even in the shop page?
    I undestand that normally it's correct to display "From 0$" besause one product can have a base price and also there is the possibility to have different choises made by the customer but in my case every product is static and I don't have a base price.
    Thank you in advance.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Thomas, 

    Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum. I have transferred your ticket to the main developer of this plugin so that he can see if there is anything to help you with your issue. 

    He’ll be responding to you as soon as possible when the Pending line of tickets reaches yours. Please stay in touch cause he might need to further discuss with you. 

    Best regards. 

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Thomas,

    When you choose "Exclude base price" for the pricing, you can set the base price as you want, it won't be used for the calculation total price.

    You also can use the "Custom display price" to add the text instead of a particular price.

    Best regards,

  • Thomas replied

    Thank you for your reply.

    I know that when I choose "Exclude base price" for the pricing it won't be used for the calculation total price and that's exactly what I need. The only thing that I'd like to change is the "From 0$" that appears in the shop before opening the product page. In the shop I'd like to see the price made up by the sum of the components prices.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    We don't calculate the real price on the shop/archive page. It will take too many resources from your hosting/server and may break your site.

    Please imagine that each composite products have many components. In each component have many products from selected products or categories. We'll need to query all these products to calculate the right price with the check on other conditionals e.g quantity, min/max of each component, min/max of whole composite products.

    All of these things only to return a price, which still can be changed when the buyer changing the product inside the composite.

    That's why we didn't add this feature and provide a new option to add your custom displaying price here

    Best regards,

  • Thomas replied

    Yes, it makes sense. Thank you for your patience.

    One last thing: this composite product is made up by other products and I don't need the customer to choose from a list of options so the price is fixed and it won't change based on the client. Is there another plug-in that you offer that can help me showing the price even in the shop page?

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    If you want the fixed products list for all buyer, please try another plugin from us with the demo page here

    Best regards,

  • xavier gerber replied

    With thi function I delete all my bundles by price from the order.

    function filter_product_bundle($order_id){
        // get order object
        $order_to_edit = new WC_Order( $order_id );

        // get order items = each product in the order
        $items = $order_to_edit->get_items();

        foreach ( $items as $item ) {
            $product = wc_get_product( $item['product_id'] );
            $the_price = $product->get_price();


            if ( $the_price == '5500' || $the_price == '3000' || $the_price == '7500' ) {
                $order_to_edit->remove_item( $item->get_id() );

        // Calculate

        // Save

    add_filter('woocommerce_checkout_order_processed','filter_product_bundle', 999,1);