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  Public Ticket #2291362
Hide the single Composit Product


  •  1
    Kathrin Bloss started the conversation


    we use composit products,

    we do not want to show the individual product components on the single product page.
    As the result, the single product should be displayed without the individual components.

    Thank you!

  •  767
    Janilyn replied


    Thank you for contacting the WPClever Support Forum. Before I give you some instructions on this, I'd like to clarify a bit since I don't quite understand your question. 

    Did you mean to hide the components on composite product page? If you don't want your composite link to the individual products, then kindly choose "No" in Link to individual products option at WPClever >> Composite product settings. 

    Or did you want to unlink the components from individual products so that your customers don't know which product is linked to your composite? 

    In case you don't know, we have the option to hide the components in cart & checkout page, also on minicart. 

    If this not what you'd like to ask, then could you please elaborate by screenshots so that I can give you proper help? 

    Best regards. 

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1
    Kathrin Bloss replied

    Hi Janilyn,

    thanks for answer. Yes, we want that the customers can't see the product table (see appendix png, pink area)
    I want to give the customer information about the content of the product, but not in these table view, only as written text.

    The option to hide the components on single product page we need, please.


  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Kathrin, 

    Thanks for your feedback. Currently, our plugin doesn't support the hiding of components on single product page. If you'd like to request this, it is only available to Premium users. Since this is not a report of issues caused by our plugin but a festure request, so we need to customize the codes to make adjustments based on your demand. 

    Please provide us with the proof of purchase of our plugin ( PayPal transaction ID and/or the email used to purchase) for verification first. 

    After verifying your purchase of our plugin, I will assign one of our developers to help you with that request. 

    Best regards. 

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1
    Kathrin Bloss replied

    Hi Janilyn,

    here I send you my proof of purchase for the composite product plugin for confirmation:
    Purchase Key e6ab1df27fd091f73f468ca51fe79ab2

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Kathrin, 

    Thank you for your information. I have transferred your ticket to our developer. Unfortunately, he said that it's impossible to hide the components on a composite. Another user of our plugin has also requested this feature and our developers have given instructions on this. 

    However, the algorithm of our plugin prevents the event of hiding components, components must always be present to customers to choose as the design scheme of our plugin is a kit building tool, so the customers must know what they are buying and choose based on their preferences. Hence, the components cannot be hidden completely. Temporarily we can't make this adjustment as this will cause conflicts when you use this plugin for other normal composite products. Sorry we can't proceed with this request. 

    One way to work around this is that you can rename your product names so that your customers can see a so-called "mysterious items" then unlink the components from individual products in the Composite plugin settings. In this way your customer won't be able to know what a component actually is. This is the only method for now. Hope you can understand for this inconvenience. 

    If you have any other request, kindly state in your reply to this ticket, we will help you out. 

    Best regards. 

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Kathrin,

    Sorry for the late reply! I missed this ticket.

    To show the individual product, please choose one product for each component then set this component is required.

    Or you can use another plugin from us WPC Product Bundles, we can transfer the license to this plugin if you want.

    Best regards,