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  Public Ticket #2289093
Buyer can't change the quantity of the products of a Bundle


  • Ezequiel Prieto started the conversation

    Hi ^^

    I need to create a bundle of wine's bottles that the minimum quantity of bottles are 6. The buyers could select the bottles from each type that they want.

    When I create the bundle, in testing mode, with 3 types of wines, in the frontend the buyer can't select the quantity. Minus and plus buttons doesn't work, if a change the input value by hand, the price doesn't update and the minimum validation fails.

    How can I implement this use case? 


  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Ezequiel, 

     Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum. From your description, I have got the situation. Normally, when users encounter this, there might be another third-party plugin or theme that they're using causing a conflict with our plugin. I have checked our plugin on the live demo with the default WooCommerce and Storefront theme, the bundles are still doing fine. You can also check it out on our live demo. 

    Hence, in order for our developers to find the source of conflicts on your site, we need to check the codes of your site. Kindly provide us with a link to your published problematic bundle so that our dev can have a look at it. 

    In case there is indeed another plugin or your theme causing this, then we will need you to provide the proof of purchase of our Premium plugin before helping you customize the code files. As when the issue wasn't caused by our plugin but another third-party plugin, we could do a customization service for free to make them work well together. However, this service is only available for free to Premium users. This is only policy. I hope you understand this in advance to avoid any misunderstanding about our service. 

    Kindly regards. 

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •   Ezequiel Prieto replied privately
  •   Dustin replied privately
  •   Ezequiel Prieto replied privately
  •   Ezequiel Prieto replied privately
  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Thanks for that information!

    Feel free to submit a new ticket if you have another question when using our plugin.

    Best regards,